Sickness of Less Than 7 Days
If you’re sick for fewer than 7 continuous days, the NHS does not issue sick notes. The government requires that patients self-certify their sickness for 7 days or less.
Patients who are off sick for less than 7 continuous days should complete a Self Certification (SC2) form, which can be obtained from their employer or the HMRC website.
Sickness Lasting More Than 7 Days
If you are sick for more than seven days, your employer can ask you to give them some form of medical evidence to support payment of SSP (statutory sick pay).
The NHS provides sick notes only after 7 continuous days of illness. If your sickness extends beyond 7 days, you may be issued an NHS certificate, but you’ll need to contact the surgery, as a discussion with your GP may be required. For full details, visit the Direct Gov website. Please note that the issuance of sick notes is at your GP’s discretion.
Additionally, HMRC states that a GP note is not required to confirm when you are fit to return to work.
If you have been sick for more than 7 days and would like to request for a sick note, submit an eConsultation now by clicking the link below.